Oxygen free radicals and platelet and granulocyte aggregability in renal transplant patients

Joanne E. Taylor, Norma Scott, Alexander Hill, Allan Bridges, Iain S. Henderson, William K. Stewart, Jill J. F. Belch

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    49 Citations (Scopus)


    Oxygen free radical reaction products (plasma malondialdehyde), the free radical scavengers plasma thiol and red cell superoxide dismutase (SOD), and whole blood platelet and granulocyte aggregation were measured in 23 renal transplant patients and 23 age-matched controls. Malondialdehyde-like material (MDA) was significantly increased in transplant patients compared with controls (transplants MDA [median, range], 7.7 [5.3-11.5] nmol/ml; controls MDA, 6.3 [5.4-8.7] nmol/ml; P <0.001). The patients also had increased red cell superoxide dismutase (transplants SOD, 128.1 [89.4-93.8] U/0.5 ml red cells; controls SOD, 95.9 [62.0-132.6] U/0.5 ml red cells; P <0.001) and reduced plasma thiol (transplants thiol, 428 [266-496] mumol/L; controls thiol, 445 [358-501] mumol/L; P <0.05). These factors were not influenced by immunosuppressive therapy, duration of transplantation, or creatinine concentration. Transplant patients had significantly higher levels of collagen-induced and spontaneous whole blood platelet aggregation compared with controls (collagen: transplants, 72 [4-93%]; controls 43 [6-94]%; P <0.001; spontaneous: transplants 46 [11-93]%; controls 37 [10-75]%; P <0.05). Spontaneous platelet aggregation, however, was significantly correlated with creatinine concentration (r = 0.525, P <0.02, Spearman's correlation), and was raised only in those patients with a degree of renal impairment. Granulocyte aggregation was increased in patients receiving cyclosporine (CsA [n = 15], 57 [36-66]%; no cyclosporine [n = 8], 45 [37-62]%; controls [n = 23]; 39 [31-61]%; P = 0.004). Renal transplant patients are subject to oxidative cell damage, and may be at increased risk of vascular thrombosis. Possible contributory factors include an immunological reaction to the graft and/or the effects of immunosuppressive therapy.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)500-504
    Number of pages5
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - 1993


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