PANDEM Pandemic Risk and Emergency Management: D4.1 Review of Policy and Legal Frameworks

Elizabeth Speakman, Richard Coker, Anne-Sophie Piette, Nicolas Dubois, Olga Vybornova, Jean-Luc Gala, Máire Connolly (Contributing member)

    Research output: Book/ReportOther report

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    The objective of this report is to review the current status of pandemic governance (policy and legal frameworks) at global, regional (European) and, to the extent possible, national (European Member State) level. This information is used to identify priority governance issues and challenges for and within the European Union.

    This objective is achieved by an examination of key legal and policy frameworks and mechanisms at global, European and national level. Commonalities and challenges are identified from literature review, consideration of relevant recent and ongoing research projects and input from public health governance experts, both from a workshop held in Brussels on 17-18 February 2016 and from individual interviewee interviews. Three case studies, two from Europe and one from the US illustrate challenges and proposed solutions.

    This report should be read with report D4.2 on ethical and human rights issues in pandemic governance. Both reports inform report D4.3 where we report a more detailed gap analysis and feasibility review of issues identified in D4.1 and D4.2.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherEuropean Union
    Number of pages125
    Publication statusPublished - 2017


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