PANGU v4: A software tool for testing vision-based guidance and navigation systems for in-orbit, entry descent and landing and surface mobility operations

Martin Dunstan, Iain Martin, Stephen Parkes, Manuel Sanchez Gestido

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


PANGU (Planet and Asteroid Natural Scene Generation Utility) is a powerful software tool for modelling surfaces of planetary bodies such as Mars, the Moon and asteroids and for generating high resolution images of those surfaces. PANGU provides a high degree of realism while producing images in real-time at frame-rates expected of navigation cameras on a planetary lander. These images are used for off-line, closed-loop and hardware-in-the-loop simulations of planetary landing, surface roving and in-orbit rendezvous operations.
This paper describes the enhancements and additions to PANGU v4. Standard reference frames have been introduced. The ability to generate and render very large models has been included. A comprehensive, very fast, camera model has been added and the performance has been improved to support real-time image generation. PANGU v4 has been validated extensively, as appropriate for a software tool supporting critical spaceflight activities.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages7
Publication statusSubmitted - 30 May 2018
EventData Systems in Aerospace Conference, DASIA 2018 - Oxford, United Kingdom
Duration: 29 May 201831 May 2018


ConferenceData Systems in Aerospace Conference, DASIA 2018
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


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