Paper-based and web-based intervention modeling experiments identified the same predictors of general practitioners' antibiotic-prescribing behavior

Shaun Treweek (Lead / Corresponding author), Debbie Bonetti, Graeme MacLennan, Karen Barnett, Martin P. Eccles, Claire Jones, Nigel B. Pitts, Ian W. Ricketts, Frank Sullivan, Mark Weal, Jill J. Francis

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Objectives: To evaluate the robustness of the intervention modeling experiment (IME) methodology as a way of developing and testing behavioral change interventions before a full-scale trial by replicating an earlier paper-based IME.

Study design and setting: Web-based questionnaire and clinical scenario study. General practitioners across Scotland were invited to complete the questionnaire and scenarios, which were then used to identify predictors of antibiotic-prescribing behavior. These predictors were compared with the predictors identified in an earlier paper-based IME and used to develop a new intervention.

Results: Two hundred seventy general practitioners completed the questionnaires and scenarios. The constructs that predicted simulated behavior and intention were attitude, perceived behavioral control, risk perception/anticipated consequences, and self-efficacy, which match the targets identified in the earlier paper-based IME. The choice of persuasive communication as an intervention in the earlier IME was also confirmed. Additionally, a new intervention, an action plan, was developed.

Conclusion: A web-based IME replicated the findings of an earlier paper-based IME, which provides confidence in the IME methodology. The interventions will now be evaluated in the next stage of the IME, a web-based randomized controlled trial.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)296-304
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Clinical Epidemiology
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2014


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