Personality, learning styles and handedness: The use of the non-dominant hand in preclinical operative dentistry training

Abubaker Qutieshat (Lead / Corresponding author), Rayhana Aouididi, Abdurahman Salem, Melina Nicole Kyranides, Rayan Arfaoui, Andrew Mason, Mohammad Atieh, M. Rasool Samarah, Mahmoud Al Masri, Zain Al Sharif

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7 Citations (Scopus)
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Aim: This research was undertaken with the aim of using personality traits, learning styles and handedness to develop and evaluate a scale to measure a new concept in operative dentistry, symmetrisation. An initial hypothesis was proposed, stating that handedness, personality trait and learning style could be used to predict symmetrisation potential in the domain of operative dentistry.

Methods: Participants completed three questionnaires: the Edinburgh handedness inventory assessment; the Keirsey Temperament Sorter-II (KTS-II); and the learning style assessment (VARK). Then, participants prepared a cavity on an artificial third molar tooth in the traditional phantom head using their non-dominant hand. For evaluation and comparison purposes, Standard Tessellation Language images were obtained from prepared teeth using a CAD/CAM scanner and then aligned against a reference “unprepared” tooth image using a custom software developed by the authors based on the Iterative Closest Point algorithm.

Results: Extroverts, intuitive and participants characterised as relying on their feelings were more accurate compared to introverts, sensory and toughminded participants, respectively. Extroverts were faster to complete the task compared to introverts. Participants with a preference for read/writing learning style produced more errors than any of the other groups. Handedness, however, did not show any significant association with performance.

Conclusions: It was concluded that both the KTS-II and the learning style assessment (VARK) questionnaires possess potential as useful measures of symmetrisation potential and the ability to use the non-dominant hand in operative dentistry, as well as platform for continuing research.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)397-404
Number of pages8
JournalEuropean Journal of Dental Education
Issue number2
Early online date8 Oct 2020
Publication statusPublished - 13 Apr 2021


  • algorithm
  • handedness
  • operative dentistry
  • personality

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Education
  • General Dentistry


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