Philosophy and Courage

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    This article proposes the first conceptual coordinates for a renewal of
    the concept of courage. By distinguishing two forms of conceptualizing
    courage (as a male and military virtue based upon knowledge, on the one
    side, and as an element of becoming a subject constitutive of truth, on the
    other) that originate in Plato, it shows how one of these forms was taken
    up by an Aristotelian strand within the history of philosophy, whereas
    the other leads from Plato through Hegel and ultimately to Lacan and
    Badiou. The central thesis is that today it is the latter logically female
    version of courage that might be useful and even needed for rethinking
    not only contemporary forms of political action but subjectivization in
    general. The article suggests that a rendering of such a concept of courage
    must be conceived of as a specific form of working with anxiety
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)33-54
    Number of pages22
    Issue number11–12/2017
    Publication statusPublished - 21 Jul 2017


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