Pilot Study of a Group-Based Psychosocial Trauma Recovery Program in Secure Accommodation in Scotland

Ian Barron (Lead / Corresponding author), David Mitchell, William Yule

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    The current study is the first to implement and evaluate a group-based trauma-specific program for adolescents in a secure accommodation facility in Scotland. A randomized control and qualitative pilot study compared an intervention group (n = 10), who received Teaching Recovery Techniques, to a waitlist control group (n = 7). Measures included subjective units of disturbance (SUDs), standardized trauma symptom questionnaires, and analysis of behavior monitoring logs. Adolescent interviews (n = 10) and a presenter focus group (n = 4) assessed program experience and views on future development. Sessions were video-ed and analyzed for program adherence. Analysis involved MANOVA, and a quasi-qualitative thematic approach for participant views. Adolescents reported high SUDs and a range of trauma symptoms. A large effect size was found for reduced SUDs and positive trends were identified for symptoms and behavior change in the intervention group. Program adaptations included smaller groups, the use of visual materials and liaison with care staff to facilitate generalization. Recommendations are made for program development and large scale evaluation.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)595-606
    Number of pages12
    JournalJournal of Family Violence
    Issue number6
    Early online date11 Jun 2017
    Publication statusPublished - Aug 2017


    • Secure care
    • Trauma recovery
    • Program fidelity
    • Trauma-informed


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