Political Marketing: Principles and Applications (2nd edition)

    Research output: Book/ReportBook


    Substantially revised throughout, Political Marketing second edition continues to offer students the most comprehensive introduction to this rapidly growing field. It provides an accessible but in-depth guide to what political marketing is and how it is used in practice, and encourages reflection on how it should be used in the future.

    Features and benefits of the second edition:

    • New chapters on political branding and delivery marketing;

    • Expanded discussion of political public relations, crisis management, marketing in the lower levels of government and volunteer-friendly organizations;

    • Examination of the new research on emerging practices in the field, such as interactive and responsive leadership communication, mobile marketing, co-creation market research, experimental and analytic marketing, celebrity marketing and integrated marketing communications; and

    • Extensive pedagogical features, including 21 detailed case studies from around the world, practitioner profiles, best practice guides, class discussion points, an online resource site and both applied and traditional assessment questions

    Written by a leading expert in the field, this textbook is essential reading for all students of political marketing, parties and elections and comparative politics.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationLondon
    Number of pages290
    ISBN (Electronic)9781315775043
    ISBN (Print)9780415632072
    Publication statusPublished - 2014


    • Politics and International Relations
    • Economics
    • Finance
    • Business and Industry


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