Problems of Social Research in Nigeria

Ngozi Chukwu, Malachy Ebue, Christy Obikeguna, Ngozi Arionu, Patricia Agbawodikeizu, Prince Agwu

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The quest for knowledge is a germane task in an ever increasing changing world from the rear to the fore; from basic to advance and from spatial to a global village. Hence, survival in a world of such dynamism can only be tenable through positive adaptation which is a product of epistemological and ontological truths. Achieving this brings research to bear which is aimed at digging up knowledge for personal and public consumption, while seeking remedy to problems. Research as a factor of discovery and rediscovery of knowledge becomes a relevant ingredient for personal, organizational and national development. A branch of research that explores, explains and describes human behaviorisms and interactions and their consequences on human existence and activities, is the social research. Complexities of human dynamism and several other individual and structural factors often constitute several problems in the execution of the social research venture. It is in this regard that this paper seeks to identify, justify and explain most of these problems plaguing the survival and astuteness of social research and where necessary, make remedial suggestions. The paper would depend on concept-mapping in explaining units of knowledge that make up this work; provide for a theoretical orientation via Paul Romer’s New Growth Theory and as well make reference to relevant theoretical and empirical literatures for adequate clarification, comprehension and action sought where needed.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)52-59
Number of pages8
JournalResearch on Humanities and Social Science
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 2016


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