Propositions and recommendations for enhancing the legacies of major sporting events for disadvantaged communities and individuals

Shushu Chen (Lead / Corresponding author), Mary Quinton, Abdullah Alharbi, Helen X H Bao, Barbara Bell, Barnaby Carter, Michael B Duignan, Andrew Heyes, Kyriaki Kaplanidou, Maria Karamani, Jacqueline Kennelly, Themis Kokolakakis, Mark Lee, Xiao Liang, Brij Maharaj, Judith Mair, Andrew Smith, Lorraine van Blerk, Jet Veldhuizen van Zanten

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This consensus statement is the outcome of comprehensive collaboration through an international working group on the disparities in the legacies of major sporting events, specifically for communities and individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds (CIDBs). The workshop brought together scholars to discuss current challenges and develop four propositions and recommendations for event leveraging, policy stakeholders, and researchers. The propositions included (1) the nature of ‘disadvantage’ needs to be recognised and the specific targeted CIDBs in each event context must be carefully identified or clearly defined; (2) CIDBs should be considered as an integral part of the whole event hosting cycle to ensure legacy inclusivity; (3) dedicated event leverage, sufficient financial backing and resource commitments for CIDBs are needed; and (4) it is critical to establish a system of legacy governance for CIDBs. The recommendations aim to inform change in practice and ensure lasting positive legacies for the communities that need them most.
Original languageEnglish
JournalEvent Management
Early online date27 Feb 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 27 Feb 2024


  • disadvantage
  • major events
  • inequality
  • leverage
  • legacy
  • community


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