Publisher Correction: LifeTime and improving European healthcare through cell-based interceptive medicine

, Nikolaus Rajewsky (Lead / Corresponding author), Geneviève Almouzni (Lead / Corresponding author), Stanislaw A. Gorski (Lead / Corresponding author), Stein Aerts, Ido Amit, Michela G. Bertero, Christoph Bock, Annelien L. Bredenoord, Giacomo Cavalli, Susanna Chiocca, Hans Clevers, Bart De Strooper, Angelika Eggert, Jan Ellenberg, Xosé M. Fernández, Marek Figlerowicz, Susan M. Gasser, Norbert Hubner, Jørgen KjemsJürgen A. Knoblich, Grietje Krabbe, Peter Lichter, Sten Linnarsson, Jean Christophe Marine, John Marioni, Marc A. Marti-Renom, Mihai G. Netea, Dörthe Nickel, Marcelo Nollmann, Halina R. Novak, Helen Parkinson, Stefano Piccolo, Inês Pinheiro, Ana Pombo, Christian Popp, Wolf Reik, Sergio Roman-Roman, Philip Rosenstiel, Joachim L. Schultze, Oliver Stegle, Amos Tanay, Giuseppe Testa, Dimitris Thanos, Fabian J. Theis, Maria Elena Torres-Padilla, Alfonso Valencia, Céline Vallot, Alexander van Oudenaarden, Marie Vidal, Thierry Voet

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    6 Citations (Scopus)
    42 Downloads (Pure)


    In this Perspective, owing to an error in the HTML, the surname of author Alejandro López-Tobón of the LifeTime Community Working Groups consortium was indexed as ‘Tobon’ rather than ‘López-Tobón’ and the accents were missing. The HTML version of the original Perspective has been corrected; the PDF and print versions were always correct.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages1
    Issue numberE8 (2021)
    Early online date7 Sept 2020
    Publication statusPublished - 19 Nov 2020

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • General


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