Publisher's Note: ‘Bfsp2 mutation found in mouse 129 strains causes the loss of CP49 and induces vimentin-dependent changes in the lens fibre cell cytoskeleton’ by A. Sandilands, X. Wang, A.M. Hutcheson, J. James, A.R. Prescott, A. Wegener, M. Pekny, X. Gong, R.A. Quinlan

Aileen Sandilands, Xin Wang, Aileen M. Hutcheson, John James, Alan R. Prescott, Alfred Wegener, Milos Pekny, Xiahou Gong, Roy A. Quinlan

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    This paper was originally published in vol. 78 (1) of Experimental Eye Research. Unfortunately, that version contained several errors and omissions. Therefore, a corrected version of the paper follows.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)873
    JournalExperimental Eye Research
    Issue number4
    Publication statusPublished - Apr 2004


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