Reading Swift's Poetry

    Research output: Book/ReportBook

    6 Citations (Scopus)


    Poets are makers, etymologically speaking. In practice, they are also thieves. Over a long career, from the early 1690s to the late 1730s, Jonathan Swift thrived on a creative tension between original poetry-making and the filching of familiar material from the poetic archive. The most extensive study of Swift's verse to appear in more than thirty years, Reading Swift's Poetry offers detailed readings of dozens of major poems, as well as neglected and recently recovered pieces. This book reaffirms Swift's prominence in competing literary traditions as diverse as the pastoral and the political, the metaphysical and the satirical, and demonstrates the persistence of unlikely literary tropes across his multifaceted career. Daniel Cook also considers the audacious ways in which Swift engages with Juvenal's satires, Horace's epistles, Milton's epics, Cowley's odes, and an astonishing array of other canonical and forgotten writers.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherCambridge University Press
    ISBN (Electronic)9781108888172
    ISBN (Print)9781108840958
    Publication statusPublished - Aug 2020


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    • No photo of Daniel Cook

      Cook, Daniel

      • Humanities - Professor (Teaching and Research) of English and Scottish Literature

      Person: Academic

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