Reflective coloration from structural plasmonic to disordered polarizonic

Mhd Adel Assad, Shahin Homaeigohar, Mady Elbahri (Lead / Corresponding author)

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The generation of pigment-free colors by nanostructures and subwavelength patterns has evolved in the last decade and outperformed the conventional paints in terms of durability, recyclability, and environmental friendliness. The recent progress in the field of structural coloration, particularly reflective coloration, offering a full-color gamut, has realized high-resolution printing, not attainable by the pigment paints. Herein, an overview of the various systems able to offer reflective coloration for a variety of optical applications with static and dynamic responses is presented. Specifically, an emphasis is given to recent works of the article's authors on the cooperative action of the disordered particles and dipoles that can generate specular reflective colors. In addition, further developments of reflective color nanosystems are discussed. In the first section, an overview of the recent progress in the field of plasmonic reflective structural coloration is provided. The second part of the article deals with the authors’ latest findings with respect to polarizonic color generation and its implementation in various areas ranging from environmental detection and biosensing to colored solar perfect absorbers. The report is wrapped up with an outlook and summary.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2100009
Number of pages27
JournalAdvanced Photonics Research
Issue number7
Early online date20 May 2021
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2021


  • metallic nanocomposites
  • metallic nanostructures
  • plasmonic
  • polarizonic
  • reflective coloration


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