Resistify: A novel NLR classifier that reveals Helitron-associated NLR expansion in Solanaceae

Moray Smith (Lead / Corresponding author), John T. Jones, Ingo Hein

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Nucleotide-binding domain Leucine-rich Repeat (NLR) proteins are a key component of the plant innate immune system. In plant genomes NLRs exhibit considerable presence/absence variation and sequence diversity. Recent advances in sequencing technologies have made the generation of high-quality novel plant genome assemblies considerably more straightforward. Accurately identifying NLRs from these genomes is a prerequisite for improving our understanding of NLRs and identifying novel sources of disease resistance. Whilst several tools have been developed to predict NLRs, they are hampered by low accuracy, speed, and availability. Here, the NLR annotation tool Resistify is presented. Resistify is an easy-to-use, rapid, and accurate tool to identify and classify NLRs from protein sequences. Applying Resistify to the RefPlantNLR database demonstrates that it can correctly identify NLRs from a diverse range of species. Applying Resistify in combination with tools to identify transposable elements to a panel of Solanaceae genomes reveals a previously undescribed association between NLRs and Helitron transposable elements.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-9
Number of pages9
JournalBioinformatics and Biology Insights
Early online date22 Jan 2025
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2025


  • NLRs
  • plant disease resistance
  • transposable elements
  • Helitrons
  • Solanum


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