Response of a porous seabed to ocean waves around breakwater heads: 3D poro-elastoplastic model

J. Ou, D.-S. Jeng

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingOther chapter contribution


    The evaluation of the wave-induced seabed response (including pore pressures and effective stresses) in marine sediment is a vital issue for coastal engineers involved in the design of foundation around marine structures. In this paper, the poro-elastoplastic model (PORO-WSSI II) is applied to investigate the wave-induced pore pressure in a porous layered seabed with different soil permeabilities. Unlike previous investigations, a three-dimensional case, around breakwater heads, is considered. Based on numerical examples, the following conclusions were drawn: (i) a significant difference of the wave-induced pore pressures and liquefaction between the previous poro-elastic model and the present poro-elastoplastic model is found; and (ii) an upper layer with larger permeability will reduce the liquefaction depth
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationThe Proceedings of The Nineteenth (2009) International OFFSHORE AND POLAR ENGINEERING CONFERENCE
    Number of pages8
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2009


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