title = "Rethinking Highland art: the visual significance of Gaelic culture",
abstract = "Rethinking Highland Art: The Visual Significance of Gaelic Culture/Sealladh as {\`u}r air Ealain na G{\`a}idhealtachd: Br{\`i}gh L{\`e}irsinn ann an Dualchas nan G{\`a}idheal.This is a pioneering dual language publication to which I am primary contributor, and editor. Central to the book is a visual essay which restores an art history to the Highlands of Scotland. The book is an outcome of my AHRC funded project: Window to the West/ Uinneag dhan {\`A}ird an Iar: Towards a redefinition of the visual within Gaelic Scotland. This project placed the study and practice of visual art at the heart of a interdisciplinary research project. It created a new focus for the understanding of Highland culture (Gaidhealtachd). The book is a reflection of the final project exhibition (curated with Arthur Watson PRSA), Uinneag Dhan {\`A}ird an Iar: Ath-lorg Ealain na G{\`a}idhealtachd / Window to the West: the Rediscovery of Highland Art, at the City Art Centre, Edinburgh, 20 Nov 2010 – 6 March 2011. ({\textquoteleft}This is a ground-breaking exhibition …{\textquoteright} The Times, 21 December, 2010; {\textquoteleft}… engaging with the historic legacy without once slipping into banal sentiment.{\textquoteright}The Skinny, 27 Jan 2011.) In process, to published by the Royal Scottish Academy in 2013. ",
keywords = "Gaidhealtachd, Gaelic, Highland, Visual, Art, Scottish",
author = "Meg Bateman",
editor = "Murdo Macdonald and Lesley Lindsay and Waite, {Lorna J}",
note = "Dual language. Gaelic and English. 70 pages of plates.",
year = "2013",
month = oct,
language = "Other",
isbn = "9780905783246",
publisher = "Royal Scottish Academy",