Scratching in Protest

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceOtherpeer-review


    Artists have always embraced new technology creatively to highlight social and political issues. With the Portapak video recorder in the 1960s, video became democratised, no longer the reserve of the mainstream media. By the 1980s, ‘Scratch Video’ had evolved, using found and appropriated footage edited to change its context and meaning, creating video collage. Scratch Video was a pre-cursor to ‘video mash up’, often seen on social media with satirical political pieces created by artists like Cassette Boy and Swede Mason. This presentation will look at some examples of Scratch Video, its use in protest and its influence on mainstream culture.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 15 May 2021
    EventActs of Defianc: Exploring Protest Art -
    Duration: 15 May 202115 Jun 2021


    ConferenceActs of Defianc


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