title = "Self-determination Constellations: Substate Regions and Citizenship in Europe",
abstract = "The paper examines European sub-state regions as loci of competing self-determination claims and overlapping citizenship regimes. There are two basic premises the paper relies on; that self-determination is a claim rather than a right; and that extending citizenship to territorially concentrated groups constitutes a surrogate for self-determination. The latter premise is a novel way of looking at the link between citizenship and self-determination. The main question of the paper is twofold (a) what role does extra-territorial citizenship play in contested territories and in the context of competing self-determination claims; and (b) can there be a normative justification for conferring dual citizenship considering the stability of sub-state territorial arrangements. The analysis relies on cases from Western, Central and Eastern Europe. The paper is a contribution to the literatures on self-determination, citizenship and sovereignty. Building on the concept of citizenship constellation, the idea that citizenship regimes overlap over a certain territory, the paper argues we should consider adding a temporal dimension to our understanding of citizenship. Finally, this lead us to the new way of thinking that can be captured by the concept of self-determination constellations involving spatiotemporal relations between self-determination, citizenship and territory",
keywords = "Substate regions, citizenship, self-determination, constellations, European integration, kin states",
author = "Dejan Stjepanovi{\'c}",
note = "no funding info",
year = "2017",
month = sep,
language = "English",
volume = "6",
series = "Euborders Working Paper Series",
publisher = "EUborders",
address = "Spain",
type = "WorkingPaper",
institution = "EUborders",