Sensitivity of lung resistance and compliance to beta-blocker induced bronchoconstriction and long acting beta-agonist withdrawal in COPD

Sunny Jabbal, Brian J. Lipworth (Lead / Corresponding author)

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    Little is known about impulse oscillometry (IOS) in COPD. IOS is an effort independent measure of lung resistance and reactance (compliance). We assessed how frequency dependence of resistance (R) and reactance (X) changed in response to bronchoconstriction with carvedilol followed by long acting beta-agonist (LABA) withdrawal. N = 12 patients with moderate to severe COPD were analysed, who had ≥ 100 ml fall in FEV1 with carvedilol. Compared to baseline taking ICS/LABA there were 21, 59, and 135% significant changes in resistance at 5 Hz (R5), reactance at 5 Hz (X5), and reactance area (AX), respectively, with carvedilol, while after LABA withdrawal only AX showed a further significant increase to 210% (i.e. reduced compliance). Hence changes in lung compliance rather than resistance play a more important role in the beta-2 receptor-mediated responses in COPD.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)15-18
    Number of pages4
    Issue number1
    Early online date20 Dec 2017
    Publication statusPublished - Feb 2018


    • COPD
    • Bronchoconstriction
    • Beta-blocker
    • IOS
    • Oscillometry


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