Should someone chance to take a glimpse… Alex Roberts

Alex Roberts (Subject)

    Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial


    Ever Emerging MAG, The Berlin Edition.
    Alex Roberts is a featured artist, one of eight female subjects: Alex Roberts, Diane Lavoie, Inês Cabral, Marian Wijnvoord, Rachael Jablo, Stefie Steden, Tracey Snelling, Zuzanna Skiba.

    Selection announcement, studio visit, and interview completed by the founding curator and editor, Marguerite Nolan, September 2021. The Berlin Edition, Ever Emerging Magazine’s, third issue was published, with a digital release, 14 January 2022.

    Ever Emerging MAG is an international platform/ online magazine presenting female, ever-emerging visual artists (over 45 years old).

    Founded in 2020 by Marguerite Nolan,
    “Ever Emerging Mag is a non-profit platform that presents senior femxle artists, who work in any type of medium. Ever Emerging, is born out of the desire to support women in the contemporary art industry, as well as the idea that emergence is an ever- evolving concept, that is not always related to age or (measurable) youthfulness”.

    The EEM Community looks to develop, nurture and curate exhibitions, creative exchanges beyond the published editorial.

    Alex Roberts's aim, to situate studio research, and expand research knowledge, networks, and audiences amongst an international female context. Acutely aligning presentation share with the studio practice’s focus, subject and stance, identity. Giving grounding to building a contemporary art community in Berlin.

    Resulting impact, broadening audiences, and developing international curatorial relationships and research partnerships, while reinforcing Alex Roberts’ Berlin studio output. Critique, reflection, and re-evaluation of present studio enquiry.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)8-21
    Number of pages14
    JournalEver Emerging Magazine
    VolumeThe Berlin Edition
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - 14 Jan 2022


    • female artists
    • ever emerging
    • contemporary art community
    • contemporary art networks
    • contemporary art research
    • contemporary painting
    • painting
    • art magazine
    • artist interview
    • empowering women
    • gender equality
    • international exchange


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    • Once Guarded: KHBStudios, Berlin Art Week 2022

      Roberts, A. (Artist), Snelling, T. (Artist), Steden, S. (Artist), Lavoie, D. (Artist), Cabral, I. (Artist), Wijnvoord, M. (Artist), Skiba, Z. (Artist) & Jablo , R. (Artist), 15 Sept 2022

      Research output: Non-textual formExhibition

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