Side Chain Chemistry Mediates Backbone Fragmentation in Hydrogen Deficient Peptide Radicals

Qingyu Sun, Hosea Nelson, Tony Ly, Brian M. Stoltz, Ryan R. Julian (Lead / Corresponding author)

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    136 Citations (Scopus)


    A crown ether based, photolabile radical precursor which forms noncovalent complexes with peptides has been prepared. The peptide/precursor complexes can be electrosprayed, isolated in an ion trap, and then subjected to laser photolysis and collision induced dissociation to generate hydrogen deficient peptide radicals. It is demonstrated that these peptide radicals behave very differently from the hydrogen rich peptide radicals generated by electron capture methods. In fact, it is shown that side chain chemistry dictates both the occurrence and relative abundance of backbone fragments that are observed. Fragmentation at aromatic residues occurs preferentially over most other amino acids. The origin of this selectivity relates to the mechanism by which backbone dissociation is initiated. The first step is abstraction of a β-hydrogen from the side chain, followed by beta-elimination to yield primarily a-type fragment ions. Calculations reveal that those side chains which can easily lose a β-hydrogen correlate well with experimentally favored sites for backbone fragmentation. In addition, radical mediated side chain losses from the parent peptide are frequently observed. Eleven amino acids exhibit unique mass losses from side chains which positively identify that particular amino acid as part of the parent peptide. Therefore, side chain losses allow one to unambiguously narrow the possible sequences for a parent peptide, which when combined with predictable backbone fragmentation should lead to greatly increased confidence in peptide identification.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)958-966
    Number of pages9
    JournalJournal of Proteome Research
    Issue number2
    Early online date29 Dec 2008
    Publication statusPublished - 6 Feb 2009


    • 18-crown-6 ether
    • photodissociation
    • iodine
    • direct dissociation
    • ultraviolet
    • proteomics


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