Silent piling for offshore jacket foundations in sand: DEM and centrifuge modelling

Benjamin Cerfontaine (Lead / Corresponding author), Michael Brown, Matteo Ciantia, Marco Huisman, Marius Ottolini

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review

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The race to decarbonise the economy has led to an exponential growth of offshore wind farm developments across the globe. While monopiles are the dominating installed foundations, jacket structures are expected to be more and more common, as wind farms extend to deeper waters [1] and innovative technologies are required to alleviate some important challenges. Firstly, straight shafted piles are not particularly efficient to sustain large tensile demand induced by the push-pull axial loading of the foundations. Secondly, stricter regulations on underwater noise make mitigation methods for pile driving more expensive and silent piling tech-niques could be used as an alternative [2]. Figure 1(a) describes a new screw pile foundation that meets those two challenges [3]. The foundation is installed by rotary jacking, which avoids any impact related noise. The pile is composed of a large upper shaft, that is designed to resist the lateral load applied by the jacket structure, and a smaller lower shaft which reduces the torque demand during installation. A helix is attached close to the pile tip, to provide an enhanced axial resistance and facilitates the installation of the pile [4]. The main challenge during the pile installation is the very low reaction force that may be available offshore at the pile head, which consists only of the pile self-weight and the installation tool. The aim of this work is to demonstrate that screw piles can be installed for offshore applications by rotary jacking at low reaction force, via (geotechnical centrifuge, [2]) and numerical (DEM, [5]) modelling
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 3 Oct 2023
EventSymposium on Energy Geotechnics: Accelerating the Energy Transition - Delft, Netherlands
Duration: 3 Oct 20235 Oct 2023


ConferenceSymposium on Energy Geotechnics
Internet address


  • Screw piles
  • Silent piling
  • DEM
  • Renewable energy

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Civil and Structural Engineering
  • Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment


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