Single shot longitudinal bunch profile measurements at flash using electro-optics detection techniques

P. J. Phillips, W. A. Gillespie, S. P. Jamison, V. Arsov, H. Schlarb, B. Schmidt, P. Schmüser, B. Steffen, G. Berden, A. F. G. van der Meer, A. M. MacLeod

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


    At the superconducting LINAC of FLASH, we have installed an electro-optic experiment for single shot, nondestructive measurements of the longitudinal distribution charge of individual electron bunches. The profile of the electron bunch field is electro-optically encoded onto a stretched Ti:Sa laser pulse. In the decoding step, the profile is retrieved either from a spectral measurement of the encoded pulse or from a cross-correlation of the encoded pulse with a 30 fs FWHM laser pulse, obtained from the same laser pulse. At FLASH, sub-100 fs electron bunches has been measured during FEL operation with an rms value of 60 fs (144 FWHM). The electro-optic measurements have been validated with transverse deflecting structure measurements.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationEPAC 2008
    Subtitle of host publicationContributions to the Proceedings
    PublisherEuropean Physical Society Accelerator Group
    Number of pages3
    ISBN (Print)9789290833154
    Publication statusPublished - 2008
    Event11th European Particle Accelerator Conference - Magazzini del Cotone, Genoa, Italy
    Duration: 23 Jun 200827 Jun 2008


    Conference11th European Particle Accelerator Conference
    Abbreviated titleEPAC'08
    Internet address


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