title = "Slip of the tongue: writing\architecture with an other voice",
keywords = "Architecture, Architectural writing",
author = "Lorens Holm",
note = "The Quarterly Architecture Essays are published in hard-copy at the end of each year, by arrangement with Routledge (Taylor and Francis) publishers. This paper was first presented at the Society for European Philosophy and Forum for European Philosophy Joint Conference (Dundee University, September 2006). An early outline version of this paper was invited for presentation to 'Psychoanalytic Theory and Practice, Art and Architecture', a symposium hosted by the Freud Museum, London, June 2006. Mature versions were subsequently presented as public lectures at: Ecole d'Architecture de Versailles, France, May 2007; the School of Architecture, Greenwich University, London, November 2006; and as part of a public lecture series titled 'What is not Architecture?' sponsored by the Manggha Centre of Japanese Art and Technology, and the University of Krakow Faculty of Architecture, Krakow, Poland, March 2007. dc.isbasedon: Open lecture: Slip of the tongue, Greenwich University, 2006 dc.type: Article Article ",
year = "2007",
language = "English",
publisher = "Haecceity Inc.",