Smile healthy to your diabetes: Health coaching based intervention for diabetes and oral health

Ayse Basak Cinar, Lone Schou, Inci Oktay

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


Aim: The present study is the first to our knowledge that aims to evaluate the impact of Health Coaching (HC) on diabetes management and oral health among patients with diabetes type II (DM2).Methods: The study is part of a prospective intervention among randomly selected DM2 patients (n=186), Istanbul, Turkey. The data analyzed were Community Periodontal Need Index (CPI) and HbA1c (glycated haemoglobin). Data was collected initially and at the end of intervention. Participants were allocated randomly to Health Coaching (HC:intervention) (n=77) and education (ED:control) (n=102) groups.Results: At baseline, there was no statistical difference between HC and ED groups [HbA1c:7.5% vs. 7.8% (59 vs. 62 mmol/mol);CPI: 2.3 vs. 2.4), (p>0.05). At post-intervention the HC group had significantly lower HbA1c (6.7%; 51 mmol/mol) and CPI(0.6) than the ED group [7.7% (61 mmol/mol), CPI:1.9),(p<0.01). HC significantly reduced HbA1c (F=6.58) and CPI(F=8.14), (p<0.05). The impact of ED on CPI was significant(F=14.45, p=0.001) but not on HbA1c (F=0.05, p=0.94).The improvement at CPI from baseline to post intervention had significant impact on reduced HbA1c at HC (F=2.94) and ED groups (F=5.93), (p<0.05).Conclusion: The present findings may imply that HC has a significantly higher impact on better management of diabetes and oral health compared to ED. The impact of ED was insufficient to make significant reduction at HbA1c. Thus may underline the need for integration of HC to the daily practice of health care providers and diabetes educators to improve quality of life for patients with DM2.
Original languageEnglish
Article numberFC080
Pages (from-to)27-27
Number of pages1
JournalInternational Dental Journal
Issue numberSupplement 1
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2013
Event101st FDI Annual World Dental Congres - Istanbul, Turkey
Duration: 28 Aug 201331 Aug 2013


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