Spacewire data handling demonstration system

S. Mills, S.M. Parkes, N. O'Gribin

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


    The SpaceWire standard was published in 2003 with the aim of providing a standard for onboard communications, defining the physical and data link layers of an interconnection, in order to improve reusability, reliability and to reduce the cost of mission development. The many benefits which it provides mean that it has already been used in a number of missions, both in Europe and throughout the world. Recent work by the SpaceWire community has included the development of higher level protocols for SpaceWire, such as the Remote Memory Access Protocol (RMAP) which can be used for many purposes, including the configuration of SpaceWire devices. Although SpaceWire has become very popular, the various ways in which it can be used are still being discovered, as are the most efficient ways to use it. At the same time, some in the space industry are not even aware of SpaceWire's existence. This paper describes the SpaceWire Data Handling Demonstration System that has been developed by the University of Dundee. This system simulates an onboard data handling network based on SpaceWire. It uses RMAP for all communication, and so demonstrates how SpaceWire and standardised higher level protocols can be used onboard a spacecraft. The system is not only a good advert for those who are unfamiliar with the benefits of SpaceWire, it is also a useful tool for those using SpaceWire to test ideas.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the DASIA 2007, DAta Systems in Aerospace, Conference
    Place of PublicationNetherlands
    PublisherESA Communications
    ISBN (Print)9292912028
    Publication statusPublished - Aug 2007
    EventDASIA 2007: Data Systems in Aerospace Conference - Naples, Italy
    Duration: 29 May 20071 Jun 2007


    ConferenceDASIA 2007: Data Systems in Aerospace Conference


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