SpaceWire RMAP: applications, IP cores and test equipment

S. Parkes, C. McClements, M. Dunstan, S. Mills, P. Mendham

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingOther chapter contribution


    The Remote Memory Access Protocol (RMAP) operates over a SpaceWire link or network to enable one node to read and write registers or memory in a remote node across a SpaceWire network. RMAP is a simple but very powerful protocol which is already being used in several space missions. The standard that defines RMAP will be issued by the European Cooperation for Space Standardization in mid 2009. This paper provides a brief overview of RMAP, describes several important applications of RMAP, presents the RMAP IP cores developed by UoD and STAR-Dundee Ltd, and introduces test equipment with specific features to support organisations using SpaceWire and RMAP.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of DASIA 2009
    Subtitle of host publicationDAta Systems in Aerospace, 26-29 May 2009, Istanbul, Turkey
    EditorsL. Ouwehand
    Place of PublicationNoordwijk
    PublisherEuropean Space Agency
    ISBN (Electronic)9789292212339
    Publication statusPublished - 2009
    EventDASIA 2009: DAta Systems In Aerospace - Istanbul, Turkey
    Duration: 26 May 200929 May 2009

    Publication series

    NameESA SP
    PublisherEuropean Space Agency
    ISSN (Electronic)1609-042X


    ConferenceDASIA 2009: DAta Systems In Aerospace


    • European cooperation for space standardizations
    • IP core
    • OR-networks
    • Remote memory access
    • Remote node
    • Space missions
    • Test equipments
    • International cooperation
    • Internet protocols


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