Stakeholder Mapping for Adaptation in Deltas: DECCMA Working Paper

Andrew Allan (Lead / Corresponding author), Nina Hissen (Lead / Corresponding author), Asish Ghosh, Clare Lizamit Samling, Cynthia Addoquaye Tagoe, Winfred Nelson, Adelina Mensah, Mashfiqus Salehin, Md. Shahjahan Mondal, Christopher Spray

Research output: Working paper/PreprintWorking paper

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The DECCMA project aims to develop the understanding and tools needed for sustainable adaptation in deltas. In this context, work package 1 (WP1) primarily aims at devising proper engagement procedures for understanding the capacity of the governance system to support migration and gender-sensitive sustainable adaptation in deltaic environments under changing climate; as well as ensuring that each delta region affords sufficient emphasis on governance and stakeholder engagement. This report focuses on the preparation of stakeholder maps for the four case areas (WT1.1.1).

This report outlines stakeholder engagement activities between 1st October, 2014 – 31st August 2015 undertaken by Work Package 1 (WP1) for each of the four case studies (the Bangladesh Delta, the Indian Bengal Delta, the Mahanadi Delta, and the Volta Delta). The report identifies primary and secondary stakeholders, who are relevant to DECCMA or related issue areas. Primary stakeholders are directly affected by DECCMA (high interest/ high influence) whereas secondary stakeholders are only indirectly affected (high interest/ low influence; low interest/ high influence). Stakeholder maps are produced for each of the four case studies, which show the relative influence and interest of each stakeholder. WP1’s methodological approach is based on the idea of Dynamic Stakeholder Mapping (DSM), a concept that is further set out in the Stakeholder Engagement Plan (Allan and Adams 2015), which includes multiple validation rounds and revisions of the map, mirroring DECCMA’s project stages and progress.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages89
Publication statusPublished - 2015

Publication series

NameDECCMA Working Papers


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