Starting secondary school in 2020 - Teacher Guide

Jennie Golding, Eleanore Hargreaves, Divya Jindal-Snape, Sandra Leaton Gray, Jane Perryman

    Research output: Book/ReportOther report


    This is an exciting time for Year 7 students as they see their friends again, and move up to secondary school. However they will arrive back at school with a very wide variety of experiences, losses and learning over the pandemic period. These will not necessarily align with socio-economic background or prior attainment as communicated by their primary school. Many, especially those with particular learning needs, or from badly-hit groups, will feel particularly insecure or concerned after missing usual year 6 transition routines, and having experienced little ‘normal’ schooling over the previous 6 months. Those with the greatest concerns or with experience of significant trauma may not be able to accommodate new expectations, or concentrate, as well as they normally would. Some might even worry about the size and noise of a secondary school more than usual. Reduced physical activity also threatens wellbeing further. Here teachers can help, by demonstrating positive expectations and providing opportunities for physical engagement with learning where possible. The emphasis here should be on student and teacher welfare rather than seeking learning gains in isolation, in the context of everyone adapting to a new way of approaching schooling.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationLondon
    PublisherUniversity College London
    Number of pages2
    Publication statusPublished - May 2021


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