Stoklunds nye bog er ikke bare fuld af fejl, den underminerer også det internationale retssystem

Translated title of the contribution: Stoklund's new book is not only full of errors, it also undermines the international legal system

Research output: Contribution to journalBook/Film/Article review


Rasmus Stoklund skriver, at tiden er inde til en konfrontation med menneskerettighedsdomstolen, men hans argumentation peger implicit mod et opgør med det internationale retssystem. Konsekvenserne kan blive fatale, men i en mangelfuld bog er konsekvenserne end ikke overvejet, skriver jurist Jacques Hartmann.

Rasmus Stoklund writes that the time has come for a confrontation with the Human Rights Court, but his argumentation implicitly points towards a showdown with the international legal system. The consequences could be fatal, but in a flawed book the consequences are not even considered, writes lawyer Jacques Hartmann.

Translated title of the contributionStoklund's new book is not only full of errors, it also undermines the international legal system
Original languageOther
Publication statusPublished - 20 Aug 2024


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