Strong phase-space semiclassical asymptotics

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Wigner and Husimi transforms have long been used for the phase-space reformulation of Schr̈odinger-type equations and the study of the corresponding semiclassical limits. Most of the existing results provide approximations in appropriate weak topologies. In this work we are concerned with semiclassical limits in the strong topology, i.e., approximation of Wigner functions by solutions of the Liouville equation in L2 and Sobolev norms. The results obtained improve the state of the art and highlight the role of potential regularity, especially through the regularity of theWigner equation. It must be mentioned that the strong convergence can be shown up to O(log 1/ε ) time-scales, which is well known to be, in general, the limit of validity of semiclassical asymptotics. © 2011 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2116-2149
Number of pages34
JournalSIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2011


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