Studies using 27Al MAS NMR of AFm and AFt phases and the formation of Friedel's salt

M. R. Jones, D. E. Macphee, J. A. Chudek, G. Hunter, R. Lannegrand, R. Talero, S. N. Scrimgeour

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    114 Citations (Scopus)


    NOTE: THE MATHEMATICAL SYMBOLS IN THIS ABSTRACT CANNOT BE DISPLAYED CORRECTLY ON THIS PAGE. PLEASE REFER TO THE ABSTRACT ON THE PUBLISHER'S WEBSITE FOR AN ACCURATE DISPLAYThis paper describes the application of the magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR spectroscopy to study the chemical environment of 27Al-bearing phases in Portland cement-based concrete. A specific methodology is described that allows reliable spectra to be determined for combinations of different types of cements and fillers (in this case, Portland cement, fly ash, slag, silica fume, metakaolin and limestone filler). As well as the study of ‘molecular structure’ of cement matrix, the paper reviews the mechanism of Friedel's salt formation in cement systems. Mechanisms based on ion exchange of chloride for hydroxide in hydroxy-AFm and on chloride absorption on formation are discussed. Finally, the nature of the chloride/hydrate binding phenomena are described to provide a reasonable robust and fundamental picture of the role different cements can play in the provision of overall concrete durability to chloride ingress from a chemical perspective.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)177-182
    Number of pages6
    JournalCement and Concrete Research
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 2003


    • MAS NMR spectroscopy
    • Portland cement
    • Chloride
    • Monosulphate
    • Friedel's salt formation


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