Support for carers, particularly those with multiple caring roles: an investigation of support needs and the cost of provision

D. Jackson, L. Turner-Stokes, Jennifer Harris, P. McCrone, A. Easton, N. Leigh

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


    Background: Local social services departments have a duty to assess the needs of informal carers who provide regular and substantial care for a family member aged 18 or over. The assessment should consider the effect that caring has on the well-being of the carer and their ability to participate in activities of their choosing outside the home. Giving carers the opportunity to say what kind of support they most need, whether directed to the person they care for, or to themselves and other family members, will be central to the delivery of a holistic service that will help to sustain families at times of stress. However, the need for care varies considerably with individual circumstances and over time. Currently, these needs are poorly understood, making it difficult to plan and cost care provision. Outputs: The findings of this research will inform a good practice guide, which will be disseminated through major service providers in the NHS and voluntary sector to assist in the planning of appropriate support services for these carers, and to evaluate the cost implications of service provision. We anticipate that the work encompassed by this project will lead on its own to the development of a set of ‘concise guidance’. Full guideline development will require the involvement of a wider range of stakeholders and necessitate further work beyond the scope of the project in partnership with various organisations. Nevertheless the information and experience gathered here will play a vital role in developing the evidence base to underpin guideline and policy development.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationLondon
    PublisherDepartment of Health
    Commissioning bodyUnited Kingdom Department of Health
    Number of pages231
    Publication statusPublished - Jul 2011


    • Adults
    • Costs
    • Families
    • Health care
    • Informal care
    • Learning disabilities
    • Long term conditions
    • Mental health problems
    • Needs
    • Service users
    • Social care provision


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