Sustainability in Accounting Education

Maria Cadiz Dyball (Editor), Ian Thomson (Editor), Richard M.S. Wilson (Editor)

    Research output: Book/ReportBook


    Accounting sustainably involves accounting for and to the natural environment, and accounting for and to society, including groups currently oppressed or disadvantaged by unsustainable processes and practices. This book creates a compelling case for the inclusion of sustainability at the heart of accounting educational programmes, offering critical lessons and identifying risks to avoid when designing accounting programmes and courses. Accounting sustainability has moved from the side-lines of policy discourses, accounting institutions, professional accounting practices, and research activities into the mainstream. The chapters in this proposed book engage in a critical dialogue to facilitate change in accounting education for sustainability. They dispel the myth that accounting for sustainability is an oxymoron, bad for business, unrelated to practice, or contrary to professional accounting bodies’ accreditation requirements.

    This book was originally published as a special issue of Accounting Education.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages156
    ISBN (Electronic)1138779733
    ISBN (Print)978-1138779730
    Publication statusPublished - 14 May 2014


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