Symptoms and quality of life in patients with suspected angina undergoing CT coronary angiography: a randomised controlled trial

Michelle C. Williams, Amanda Hunter, Anoop Shah, Valentina Assi, Stephanie Lewis, Kenneth Mangion, Colin Berry, Nicholas A. Boon, Elizabeth Clark, Marcus Flather, John Forbes, Scott McLean, Giles Roditi, Edwin J. R. van Beek, Adam D. Timmis, David E. Newby (Lead / Corresponding author),

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    Background: In patients with suspected angina pectoris, CT coronary angiography (CTCA) clarifies the diagnosis, directs appropriate investigations and therapies, and reduces clinical events. The effect on patient symptoms is currently unknown.

    Methods: In a prospective open-label parallel group multicentre randomised controlled trial, 4146 patients with suspected angina due to coronary heart disease were randomised 1:1 to receive standard care or standard care plus CTCA. Symptoms and quality of life were assessed over 6 months using the Seattle Angina Questionnaire and Short Form 12.

    Results: Baseline scores indicated mild physical limitation (74±0.4), moderate angina stability (44±0.4), modest angina frequency (68±0.4), excellent treatment satisfaction (92±0.2) and moderate impairment of quality of life (55±0.3). Compared with standard care alone, CTCA was associated with less marked improvements in physical limitation (difference −1.74 (95% CIs, −3.34 to −0.14), p=0.0329), angina frequency (difference −1.55 (−2.85 to −0.25), p=0.0198) and quality of life (difference −3.48 (−4.95 to −2.01), p<0.0001) at 6 months. For patients undergoing CTCA, improvements in symptoms were greatest in those diagnosed with normal coronary arteries or who had their preventative therapy discontinued, and least in those with moderate non-obstructive disease or had a new prescription of preventative therapy (p<0.001 for all).

    Conclusions: While improving diagnosis, treatment and outcome, CTCA is associated with a small attenuation of the improvements in symptoms and quality of life due to the detection of moderate non-obstructive coronary artery disease.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)995-1001
    Number of pages7
    JournalHeart (British Cardiac Society)
    Issue number13
    Early online date28 Feb 2017
    Publication statusPublished - Jul 2017


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