Technical Options for Off-Grid Electricity Supply

Najib Altawell

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


    Various types of DG technologies, their viability and other important aspects, such as the economical and performance side have been examined in this paper. The main aim and objective of this workis to find the most suitable off-grid system for rural electrification, i.e. in the form of technical feasibility, acceptable purchasing/installation and maintenance cost, as well asreliability. The selected system should be able to provide continuous electricity supply, particularly in areas where main grid connection is not a viable option. The result from this work has concluded that hybrid renewable energy systems are the best approach in solving some of the problems related to electricity shortage in the countryside. Hybrid systemsconstruction means that sustainable energy and environmental protection will be part of the overall commercial and non-commercial applications for off-grid electricity supply.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationAdvanced Materials Research II, PTS 1 and 2
    EditorsW Fan
    Place of PublicationStafa-Zurich
    PublisherTrans Tech Publications LTD
    Number of pages8
    ISBN (Print)978-3-03785-363-4
    Publication statusPublished - 2012
    Event2nd International Conference on Advanced Material Research (ICAMR 2012) - Chengdu
    Duration: 7 Jan 20128 Jan 2012


    Conference2nd International Conference on Advanced Material Research (ICAMR 2012)


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