The Cambridge Companion to Gulliver's Travels

Daniel Cook (Editor), Nicholas Seager (Editor)

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Jonathan Swift's satirical masterpiece, Gulliver's Travels, has shocked and delighted readers worldwide since its publication in 1726. At turns a humorous and harrowing indictment of human behaviour, it has been endlessly reinterpreted by critics and adapted across media by other artists. The Cambridge Companion to Gulliver's Travels comprises 17 original chapters by leading scholars, written in a theoretically-informed but accessible style. As well as providing detailed close readings of each part of the narrative, this Companion relates Gulliver's Travels to the political, religious, scientific, colonial, and intellectual debates in which Swift was engaged, and it assesses the form of the book as a novel, travel book, philosophical treatise, and satire. Finally, it explores the Travels' rich and varied afterlives: the controversies it has fuelled, the films and artworks it has inspired, and the enduring need authors have felt to 'write back' to Swift's original, disturbing, and challenging story.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationCambridge
PublisherCambridge University Press
Number of pages228
ISBN (Electronic)9781108909488
ISBN (Print)9781108830195 (hbk), 9781108822008 (pbk)
Publication statusPublished - 2023

Publication series

NameCambridge Companions to Literature


  • Literature
  • English Literature 1700-1830


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  • Further Voyages

    Cook, D., 2023, The Cambridge Companion to Gulliver’s Travels. Cook, D. & Seager, N. (eds.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 192-205 14 p. (Cambridge Companions to Literature).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review

    Open Access
    33 Downloads (Pure)
  • Introduction

    Cook, D. & Seager, N., 2023, The Cambridge Companion to Gulliver’s Travels. Cook, D. & Seager, N. (eds.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 1-8 8 p. (Cambridge Companions to Literature).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review

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