THE COVID ROLLERCOASTER: Multiple and Multi-dimensional Transitions of Healthcare Graduates

Divya Jindal-Snape (Editor), Chris Murray (Editor), Nicola Innes (Editor), Tricia Tooman, Waraf Al-Yaseen, Damon Herd (Other contribution), Clio Ding (Artist), Maria Corrales (Artist), Jaina Teo Lewen (Artist)

Research output: Book/ReportBook

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In this study, we explored the ongoing multiple and multi-dimensional transitions experienced by medicine, nursing and dentistry students due to graduate in summer 2020. Some graduated early to join the NHS workforce and others had their graduation deferred for a year due to lack of clinical experience. We explored the expectations and realities of their transition experiences; their perceptions of the impact of their transitions on them, their wellbeing, and on their significant others. This longitudinal study helped understand each individual’s adaptations to multiple concurrent changes over time. The cross-sectional data revealed trends and patterns for each group of graduates.

This comic anthology presents the interpretations of interview data from doctor, nurse, and dentist graduates. The five comics present both individual and composite narratives of different participants. The visualisation of the data through comics was valuable to portray the wider context of COVID-19, and participants’ related transition experiences and emotions.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationUniversity of Dundee
Number of pages16
Publication statusPublished - May 2022


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