The Effect of Charismatic Influencers on Societal Polarization: Observations of a simulated society

John Betts (Lead / Corresponding author), Ana-Maria Bliuc, Mioara Cristea (Contributing member)

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Polarization in society seems to be increasing despite modern technologies making communication more convenient than ever before. The ease of communication at scale has given rise to the phenomenon of online influencers, who have become a common feature of social media platforms. There is a complex relationship between the role of influencers, the community, the social context and the message that influencers promote. Moreover, the effect of these factors on societal polarization is not well understood. For example, the specific factors that exacerbate polarization are difficult to determine. Is it the nature of the message or the ability to attract and influence others (i.e., charisma) that makes the most difference? What effect does the type of society have on polarization? Are influencers more or less effective in promoting their views in societies that have a greater openness toward the beliefs of others?
To answer these questions, we conducted a study in an artificial (simulated) society of individuals interacting with one another, exchanging views on a divisive issue, and forming or breaking social connections because of those interactions. We then introduced an influencer into this society. By varying the characteristics of the influencer and their message, as well as the properties of the communities in which they operate, we were able to observe the combined effect of these factors on societal polarization.
Our results show that the charisma of an influencer and the type of message the influencer promotes (extreme or moderate) play an important role in the process of polarization – in particular, the rate of polarization. Our results also suggest that the type of society in which the influencer operates has a less significant role.
Original languageEnglish
JournalORMS Today
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 15 Jun 2023


  • Simulated Society
  • polarization
  • simulation
  • influencers
  • messaging
  • online
  • agent-based modeling
  • charisma
  • campaign for social good


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