The Global Energy Transition: Law, Policy and Economics for Energy in the 21st Century

Volker Röben (Editor), Peter Cameron (Editor), Xiaoyi Mu (Editor)

    Research output: Book/ReportBook


    Global energy is on the cusp of change, and it has become almost a truism that energy is in transition. But what does this notion mean exactly? This book explores the working hypothesis that, characteristically, the energy system requires a strategy of the international community of states to deliver sustainable energy to which all have access. This strategy is for establishing rules-based governance of the global energy value-cycle.

    The book has four substantive parts that bring together contributions of leadings experts from academia and practice on the law, policy and economics of energy. Part I 'The prospects of energy transition', critically discusses the leading forecasts for energy and the strategies resource-rich countries may adopt. Part II 'Rules-based multilateral governance of the energy sector' details the development and sources of rules on energy. Part III 'Competition and regulation in transboundary energy markets' discusses principal instruments of rules-based governance of energy. Part IV 'Attracting investments and the challenges of multi-level governance' focuses on the critical governance of the right investments.

    This book is a flagship publication of the Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy at the University of Dundee. It launches the Hart series Global Energy Law and Policy and is edited by the series general editors Professors Peter Cameron and Volker Roeben.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherHart Publishing
    Number of pages304
    ISBN (Electronic)9781509932504
    ISBN (Print)9781509932481
    Publication statusPublished - 6 Aug 2020

    Publication series

    NameGlobal Energy Law and Policy
    PublisherHart Publishing


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