The Illustrated Guide to Keeping Secrets Online

Wendy Moncur, Aikaterini Grimani, Anna Gavine, Rebecca Stevens (Illustrator), Simon Wells, Matthew Francis, Anna Leslie

    Research output: Book/ReportBook


    CREST have been busy producing an illustrated guide for the Keeping Secrets Online programme, carried out by the University of Dundee. The Guide summarises their systematic review, in an easy-to-read format, made up of three scenarios supported by illustrations and research insights.

    The three scenarios are:

    • ‘Supply and purchase of illegal drugs’ considers how individuals communicate covertly online.
    • ‘Escaping from intimate partner violence’ considers how individuals conceal their identity online.
    • ‘Infidelity’ considers how individuals create and maintain covert identities online.

    The Guide is designed for use within an interactive workshop, with the aim of stimulating discussion, on how the strategies, barriers and enablers uncovered by the research can be applied by people who need to keep secrets as part of their job.

    The facilitated workshops ran this month and have been a huge success, both in terms of turn-out, engagement and achieving the aims of the workshop.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - May 2019


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