The impact of sex on gene expression across human tissues

Meritxell Oliva (Lead / Corresponding author), Manuel Muñoz-Aguirre, Sarah Kim-Hellmuth, Valentin Wucher, Ariel D. H. Gewirtz, Daniel J. Cotter, Princy Parsana, Silva Kasela, Brunilda Balliu, Ana Viñuela, Stephane E. Castel, Pejman Mohammadi, François Aguet, Yuxin Zou, Ekaterina A. Khramtsova, Andrew D. Skol, Diego Garrido-Martín, Ferran Reverter, Andrew Brown, Patrick EvansEric R. Gamazon, Anthony Payne, Rodrigo Bonazzola, Alvaro N. Barbeira, Andrew R. Hamel, Angel Martinez-Perez, José Manuel Soria, GTEx Consortium, Brandon L. Pierce, Matthew Stephens, Eleazar Eskin, Emmanouil T. Dermitzakis, Ayellet V. Segrè, Hae Kyung Im, Barbara E. Engelhardt, Kristin G. Ardlie, Stephen B. Montgomery, Alexis J. Battle, Tuuli Lappalainen, Roderic Guigó, Barbara E. Stranger (Lead / Corresponding author)

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Many complex human phenotypes exhibit sex-differentiated characteristics. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying these differences remain largely unknown. We generated a catalog of sex differences in gene expression and in the genetic regulation of gene expression across 44 human tissue sources surveyed by the Genotype-Tissue Expression project (GTEx, v8 release). We demonstrate that sex influences gene expression levels and cellular composition of tissue samples across the human body. A total of 37% of all genes exhibit sex-biased expression in at least one tissue. We identify cis expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) with sex-differentiated effects and characterize their cellular origin. By integrating sex-biased eQTLs with genome-wide association study data, we identify 58 gene-trait associations that are driven by genetic regulation of gene expression in a single sex. These findings provide an extensive characterization of sex differences in the human transcriptome and its genetic regulation.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbereaba3066
Number of pages16
JournalScience (New York, N.Y.)
Issue number6509
Publication statusPublished - 11 Sept 2020

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