The influence of social relationships on outcomes in mathematics when using peer tutoring in elementary school

Allen Thurston (Lead / Corresponding author), Cary Roseth, Tien-Hui Chiang, Victoria Burns, Keith Topping

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    Reciprocal peer tutoring in mathematics was conducted with 487, ten to twelve year-old students from 20 elementary schools in three different school districts. The peer tutoring technique, a form of paired mathematics, placed specific emphasis on mediation through strategic metacognition between tutor and tutee. Student mathematics attainment significantly increased using this technique (Effect Size=+0.43). Student perception of the social status of their tutoring partner influenced attainment outcomes. Greatest mathematics attainment gains were predicted by having a higher opinion of the cognitive ability of students’ mathematics tutoring partner and by having a mathematics tutoring partner that you believed was less popular. After peer tutoring, students showed increased social relationships in and out of school. Gains in social relationships were indicative of a more inclusive classroom being developed. The implications for theory, policy, practice and future research are discussed.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number100004
    Number of pages8
    JournalInternational Journal of Educational Research Open
    Early online date23 Jun 2020
    Publication statusPublished - 2020


    • Peer tutoring
    • elementary mathematics
    • pupil status
    • additional support needs
    • social inclusion


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