The influence of timber panels on architecture

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Since timber is naturally directional, timber products become directionally neutral only due to the progress in manufacture technology. This work studies timber panels with a view to analyse their influence on the architectural form. From a design point of view, two sub-categories are defined. These are solid panels, and optimised panels. Solid panels have a homogeneous and compact section and their thicknesses are relatively small. Composite panels are generally made up with two boards and an inner structure to which they are bonded. The work concludes that the two main typologies of timber panels influence design in a different way: due to their homogeneous inner structure, solid panels allow flexible cutting of the openings, and loads and supports can be placed with few limitations. In the other hand, optimised section panels require more planning and should be treated as finished elements.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)51-58
Number of pages8
JournalDesign Principles and Practices: An International Journal - Annual Review
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2010


  • Optimised Section Panel
  • Solid Timber Panel
  • Timber Architecture
  • Timber Manufacturing
  • Timber Panel


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