The promise and peril of chemical probes

Cheryl H. Arrowsmith, James E. Audia, Christopher Austin, Jonathan Baell, Jonathan Bennett, Julian Blagg, Chas Bountra, Paul E. Brennan, Peter J. Brown, Mark E. Bunnage, Carolyn Buser-Doepner, Robert M. Campbell, Adrian J. Carter, Philip Cohen, Robert A. Copeland, Ben Cravatt, Jayme L. Dahlin, Dashyant Dhanak, Aled M. Edwards (Lead / Corresponding author), Mathias FrederiksenStephen V. Frye, Nathanael Gray, Charles E. Grimshaw, David Hepworth, Trevor Howe, Kilian V. M. Huber, Jian Jin, Stefan Knapp, Joanne D. Kotz, Ryan G. Kruger, Derek Lowe, Mary M. Mader, Brian Marsden, Anke Mueller-Fahrnow, Susanne Müller, Ronan C. O'Hagan, John P. Overington, Dafydd R. Owen, Saul H. Rosenberg, Bryan Roth, Ruth Ross, Matthieu Schapira, Stuart L. Schreiber, Brian Shoichet, Michael Sundström, Giulio Superti-Furga, Jack Taunton, Leticia Toledo-Sherman, Chris Walpole, Michael A. Walters, Timothy M. Willson, Paul Workman, Robert N. Young, William J. Zuercher

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debatepeer-review

643 Citations (Scopus)


Chemical probes are powerful reagents with increasing impacts on biomedical research. However, probes of poor quality or that are used incorrectly generate misleading results. To help address these shortcomings, we will create a community-driven wiki resource to improve quality and convey current best practice.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)536-541
Number of pages6
JournalNature Chemical Biology
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2015

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Cell Biology
  • Molecular Biology


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