The social work-criminal justice context: personal and professional ethical tensions

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


    This chapter considers whether tensions between social work values and the reality of expected practice in criminal justice social work (CJSW) in Scotland, might cause ethical stress or ‘disjuncture’ for social workers. The factors which might contribute to ‘disjuncture’ are explored in terms of the history and development of CJSW, especially in relation to the erosion of the position and importance of traditional welfare and ‘helping’ work, and the rise of public protection. The chapter will also examine the effect of the ‘doubly-marginalised’ position of CJSW (McNeill et al, 2010, p37) in relation to CJSW interface with wider social work department values, and with the legal world of the courts.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationExploring the dynamics of personal, professional and interprofessional ethics
    EditorsDivya Jindal-Snape, Elizabeth F. S. Hannah
    Place of PublicationBristol
    PublisherPolicy Press
    ISBN (Print)9781447308997
    Publication statusPublished - 28 Mar 2014


    • Criminal justice social work
    • desistance
    • values
    • disjuncture
    • Scotland


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