The twisting paths to planning reform in Scotland

D. Peel, M.G. Lloyd

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    15 Citations (Scopus)


    In the context of modernization in the public sector and the reforms of land use planning practices, this article traces the paths followed in Scotland to articulate an appropriate agenda for change to create a modern planning system.
    Fundamental to this drive for public sector reform is devolution, and the search to articulate an appropriate form of state apparatus for a modern Scottish state. Context, however, is all-important. Research and extensive consultation have paved the path to a planning White Paper, Modernizing the Planning System, and a draft Planning Bill. This article examines the archaeology of the Scottish road to reform, and considers the nature of the changing practices associated with devolution in Scotland.
    We are therefore determined to build a planning system that balances the right of individuals to develop their property and the interests of the wider community. This White Paper outlines our detailed proposals for modernisation of the planning system, to secure greater fairness and equity, a system where everyone's views are listened to and taken proper account of.
    First Minister, Jack McConnell, 2005.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)89-107
    Number of pages19
    JournalInternational Planning Studies
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - May 2006


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