Three-dimensional(3D) printing in forensic science–An emerging technology in India

Gargi Jani, Abraham Johnson, Jeidson Marques, Ademir Franco (Lead / Corresponding author)

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Three-dimensional(3D) scanning and printing technologies has proved to be a boon and revolutionized Indian society in recent years. 3D printing is slowly gaining popularity in the fields of forensics due to its capability to provide information in all three axis (x, y and z) when compared to 2D photographs.The technology is actively being used in the fields of forensic medicine, anthropology, ballistics and odontology.3D printing allows better visualisation, interpretation, preservation and analysis of the evidence. The present article highlights the applications of 3D printing and presents current needs to develop and incorporate 3D printing technology in Indian forensics.

Original languageEnglish
Article number100006
Number of pages7
JournalAnnals of 3D Printed Medicine
Early online date19 Mar 2021
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2021


  • 3D scanning
  • 3D printing, medicolegal
  • Forensic science
  • Forensic evidence
  • 3D imaging


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