Towards a non-contact driver-vehicle interface

Gordon McAllister, Stephen J. McKenna, Ian W. Ricketts

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    7 Citations (Scopus)


    A novel, non-contact, pointing interface is being developed for the control of non-safety critical systems inside a vehicle with the aims of improving safety, decreasing manufacturing cost and improving the ease of driver migration between different cars. A driver operates the interface via an on-screen cursor using pointing gestures to be identified by a computer vision system. This paper describes the vision subsystem responsible for detection and tracking of the driver's hands. To be robust, it must detect and track under varying lighting conditions with no prior assumptions concerning the colour of the hands or clothing. Adaptive foreground and background models are used for segmentation and a robust geometrical hand model is employed for tracking. The system is demonstrated working at speeds close to real-time on a standard PC using image sequences captured inside a car

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publication2000 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems proceedings
    Number of pages6
    ISBN (Print) 0780359712
    Publication statusPublished - 2000
    EventIntelligent Transportation Systems, 2000 - The Ritz Carlton Hotel, Dearborn, MI, United States
    Duration: 1 Oct 20003 Oct 2000


    ConferenceIntelligent Transportation Systems, 2000
    Country/TerritoryUnited States
    CityDearborn, MI


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